Helping children achieve their highest!
Outside School Hours Care for Kinder - Year 6
Educating Children about Health & Well Being
What is BeYou?
Be You is a national mental health initiative for educators which aims to promote and protect positive mental health in children and young people in every early learning service and school in Australia.
Be You’s vision is to build an education system in which every learning community is positive, inclusive and resilient – where every child, young person, staff member and family can achieve their best possible mental health.
A review of recent research and literature confirms the continuing importance of building the capacity of early learning services and schools to foster mental health and assist children and families who are managing mental health issues. It's clear that mental health issues, especially anxiety and depression, emerge from the earliest years of life. There's also much evidence that many of the children and young people experiencing issues don't seek or receive adequate support, although some progress is being reported in this area.
Here at Peak we are working with the BeYou community to provide an environment that is a mentally healthy community.
Our vision is to engage children in a learning community is positive, inclusive and resilient, and where every child, young person, staff member, and family can achieve their best possible mental health.
Be You helps us to develop and expand our existing strategies, and shows us practical ways to support children and young people to create a mentally healthy learning community.
"Growing a Mentally Health Generation"
Here is an activity you can do at home:
Have a look at the BeYou symbol below with your child to start a conversation about the way that they 'feel, think, do and be' when they see it and hear/ read 'Make Safe'.
This will help them to unpack their way of doing and consider ways they feel safe and what makes them feel this way.

Resources & Information
Did you know? More than 75 per cent of mental health issues develop before a person turns 25.
Headspace delivers support to young people to reduce the impact of depression, anxiety, stress, alcohol and drug use, and to improve relationship issues associated with sexuality, sexual health, families, and bullying. Young people and their families can get support at a headspace centre as well as online (click on the icon above) and telephone support service, eheadspace

Download and try the Headspace Mindfulness App